Friday, October 16, 2009
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Daily Server Backup Script
'+++++daily backup script++++++
Dim sh, nw, fso
Set sh = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set nw = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
CRLF = Chr(13) & Chr(10)
On Error Resume Next
'determine day of the week
strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_LocalTime")
For Each objItem in colItems
varday = objItem.DayOfWeek
Select case varday
case 7
dayname = "sunday"
case 1
dayname = "monday"
case 2
dayname = "tuesday"
case 3
dayname = "wednesday"
case 4
dayname = "thursday"
case 5
dayname = "friday"
case 6
dayname = "saturday"
End Select
'set variables
backupjob = "C:\scripts\backup-full-ss.bks" 'location of backup selections
'sample bks file
'C:\Program Files\Exchsrvr\MDBDATA\ /Exclude
'D:\backup\ /Exclude
'D:\ClientApps\ /Exclude
'D:\program files\exchsrvr\mdbdata\ /Exclude
'D:\Public\Wildland\Computers\removed e-mail attachments\ /Exclude
'D:\RECYCLER\ /Exclude
'D:\softlib\ /Exclude
'D:\WUTemp\ /Exclude
'JET SERVER\Microsoft Information Store\First Storage Group\
logtype = "s" 'f=full, s=summary, n=none
runusername = "administrator"
If dayname = "sunday" then
baktype = "normal"
baktype = "differential"
End If
'Run backup
sh.Run "C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntbackup.exe backup " & chr(34) & "@" & backupjob & chr(34) & " /n " & chr(34) & "Backup created 10/15/2009 at 10:53 PM" & chr(34) & " /d " & chr(34) & "Set created 10/15/2009 at 10:53 PM" & chr(34) & " /v:yes /r:no /rs:no /hc:off /m " & baktype & " /j " & chr(34) & "backup-full-ss" & chr(34) & " /l:s /f " & chr(34) & "F:\backup-" & baktype & "-" & dayname & ".bkf" & chr(34) & ""
'wait for backup to complete
iniproc = 1
Do While iniproc >= 1
set svc=getobject("winmgmts:root\cimv2")
sQuery="select * from win32_process where name='ntbackup.exe'"
set cproc=svc.execquery(sQuery)
wscript.sleep 5000
set cproc=nothing
set svc=nothing
'determine which log file is newest
baklogfolder = "C:\Documents and Settings\" & runusername & "\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\NTBackup\data"
newbaklogfolder = "C:\temp"
newbaklogfile = month(now)& day(now)& right(year(now),2) & "." & second(now) & "_" & baktype & ".log"
Dim fNewest
set oFolder=createobject("scripting.filesystemobject").getfolder(baklogfolder)
For Each aFile In oFolder.Files
If lcase(RIGHT(aFile.Name,3)) = "log" then
If fNewest = "" Then
Set fNewest = aFile
If fNewest.DateLastModified < aFile.DateLastModified Then
Set fNewest = aFile
End If
End If
End If
'do file copy
fso.CopyFile baklogfolder & "\" & fNewest.Name, newbaklogfolder & "\" & newbaklogfile
Dim sh, nw, fso
Set sh = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set nw = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
CRLF = Chr(13) & Chr(10)
On Error Resume Next
'determine day of the week
strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_LocalTime")
For Each objItem in colItems
varday = objItem.DayOfWeek
Select case varday
case 7
dayname = "sunday"
case 1
dayname = "monday"
case 2
dayname = "tuesday"
case 3
dayname = "wednesday"
case 4
dayname = "thursday"
case 5
dayname = "friday"
case 6
dayname = "saturday"
End Select
'set variables
backupjob = "C:\scripts\backup-full-ss.bks" 'location of backup selections
'sample bks file
'C:\Program Files\Exchsrvr\MDBDATA\ /Exclude
'D:\backup\ /Exclude
'D:\ClientApps\ /Exclude
'D:\program files\exchsrvr\mdbdata\ /Exclude
'D:\Public\Wildland\Computers\removed e-mail attachments\ /Exclude
'D:\RECYCLER\ /Exclude
'D:\softlib\ /Exclude
'D:\WUTemp\ /Exclude
'JET SERVER\Microsoft Information Store\First Storage Group\
logtype = "s" 'f=full, s=summary, n=none
runusername = "administrator"
If dayname = "sunday" then
baktype = "normal"
baktype = "differential"
End If
'Run backup
sh.Run "C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntbackup.exe backup " & chr(34) & "@" & backupjob & chr(34) & " /n " & chr(34) & "Backup created 10/15/2009 at 10:53 PM" & chr(34) & " /d " & chr(34) & "Set created 10/15/2009 at 10:53 PM" & chr(34) & " /v:yes /r:no /rs:no /hc:off /m " & baktype & " /j " & chr(34) & "backup-full-ss" & chr(34) & " /l:s /f " & chr(34) & "F:\backup-" & baktype & "-" & dayname & ".bkf" & chr(34) & ""
'wait for backup to complete
iniproc = 1
Do While iniproc >= 1
set svc=getobject("winmgmts:root\cimv2")
sQuery="select * from win32_process where name='ntbackup.exe'"
set cproc=svc.execquery(sQuery)
wscript.sleep 5000
set cproc=nothing
set svc=nothing
'determine which log file is newest
baklogfolder = "C:\Documents and Settings\" & runusername & "\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\NTBackup\data"
newbaklogfolder = "C:\temp"
newbaklogfile = month(now)& day(now)& right(year(now),2) & "." & second(now) & "_" & baktype & ".log"
Dim fNewest
set oFolder=createobject("scripting.filesystemobject").getfolder(baklogfolder)
For Each aFile In oFolder.Files
If lcase(RIGHT(aFile.Name,3)) = "log" then
If fNewest = "" Then
Set fNewest = aFile
If fNewest.DateLastModified < aFile.DateLastModified Then
Set fNewest = aFile
End If
End If
End If
'do file copy
fso.CopyFile baklogfolder & "\" & fNewest.Name, newbaklogfolder & "\" & newbaklogfile
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